Installing a driver at CERN is kind of a puzzle, unless you run Windows or SLC. Unfortunately there are no tutorials how to do that. This is why I came up with the following, somewhat hackerish, solution:
- Install packages libnet-ldap-perl and cups on your system using apt-get
- Download the lpadmincern RPM package.
- Unpack it.
- Replace inside
my $cupsc='/sbin/service cups reload';
my $cupsc='/usr/sbin/service cups reload';
$command="LC_ALL=C /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p $prt->{printerName} -L \"$prt->{location}\" -D \"$prt->{description}\" -v $uri $duplex $media -o printer-is-shared=false -E";
$command="LC_ALL=C /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p $prt->{printerName} -L \"$prt->{location}\" -P $prt->{ppdfile} -D \"$prt->{description}\" -v $uri $duplex $media -o printer-is-shared=false -E";
Apparently this got replaced in the meanwhile.
- install libnet-ldap-perl
- Find your desired printer at CERN printing service
- Move the whole directory to /usr/share/lpadmincern, otherwise it would complain about a missing directory.
- Run
perl --add [your-printer-name-here]